Back "Hot" After Childbirth

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Women's postpartum course conditions have not fully recovered. Therefore, not recommended for immediate husband-wife relationship, because the vagina is still experiencing post-birth trauma, in which the hormone estrogen in the body is not back to normal.
Ordinary time in which a wife can not be clocked back by the husband called puerperal period. Puerperal period is also referred to as the cleaning or restoration of the cells and hormones in the body of a woman last between six to seven weeks after giving birth.

Although puerperal period has ended and sex can be done by couples, not the least of the wife who felt pain in his genitals. This can be caused by several factors, including the vaginal environment is still not fully recovered as usual due to the healing process pacsa childbirth, infections, mental condition of the woman who is not ready and also trauma.
However, sexual activity can not be separated in domestic life. Because no doubt, sometimes matters of the bed too many times can trigger a problem in the household. For that, you and your husband not to worry, because you both still can make the adjustment steps for both your sex life can be recovered, along with memulihnya your condition after the birth the baby.
Talk to your partnerCommunication is how to skip to make your relationship and your partner remain harmonious. So it never hurts to talk about matters of the bed with her husband to find common ground how to restore your sex life together with existing conditions. That way, you and your husband will be equally comfortable having sex again.
Positive Thinking build confidenceComplaints such as body shape changes and concerns will be satisfied whether or not the husband, there is little fear of some womanhood after giving birth. It is very human, because as a woman, of course we want to always give their best in front of her husband.
Actually, if such thoughts continue "maintained" and not try to be rid of it certainly will slowly erode your confidence. So, you should not focus your mind on the physical changes, but should try to build confidence by always think positive.
Enjoy yourselfEmbed this on yourself that you are still sexy and still have the same passion as before the birth of the child. How, in the bath, try to touch your body slowly and try to imagine the things that can trigger the sexiness in you, so that confidence will come back when dealing with a husband in bed.
ForeplayBegin with foreplay before getting into intercourse (penetration). That way you and your partner will be able to relax the tensions that exist after a "vacation" post-birth related

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