2017 and 25 million Bluetooth Car Will Wear

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Traffic Police did not hesitate to cause it caught the driver's car phones are on the phone while driving. This rule was also applicable in many countries. Even though using a Bluetooth device.
Yet car companies continue to prepare the device for the needs berhalo-halo. IMS Research Institute says that in 2009 alone as many as nine million cars already equipped with Bluetooth. Even estimated in 2017, the number of car air-Bluetooth will increase and reach 25 million units.
READ MORE - 2017 and 25 million Bluetooth Car Will Wear

New Google Chrome Browser Supports 8 Chrome Web Store & PDF Viewer

Google has released Chrome 8 stable and polished version which is now available for consumption at all three major operating systems are Mac. There is also a PDF viewer in this Chrome 8 that eliminates the need for additional applications such as Acrobat PDF Reader. It also guaranteed in the sandbox Chrome. Chrome seven previously released on Oct. 21.

READ MORE - New Google Chrome Browser Supports 8 Chrome Web Store & PDF Viewer

Hackers breaking Photo and Video Sex Top 50 Artists

A pair of German hacker or hackers managed to break into the computer world's top 50 artists through Trojan virus. The hackers were believed to have taken the latest music that has not been released, credit cards, e-mail, and naked pictures of the artist.
Police track the presence of two hackers are 17 and 23 years, and catch it after the hackers bragged on the Internet related to its success. Allegedly, the hackers that have taken the latest songs and videos sex famous stars, such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna, and Justin Timberlake
READ MORE - Hackers breaking Photo and Video Sex Top 50 Artists